Thursday, May 27, 2010

Farewell to the Woodruff Wolverines

One more day... one more morning drive... one more sound of the morning and afternoon bells... one more set of grades to enter. That is all that is left in my time at Woodruff High School. To say that this year has flown by would be a major understatement. To say that it seems like I just opened my doors to an unfamiliar school and unfamiliar students on the first day of school seems more likely. All the uncertainty and uneasiness I felt beginning this school year was quickly replaced with a familiar ease and comfort. This school and these kids have made me love every minute of being a teacher and for that reason I will truly miss being a part of this school! So, it is off to West Virginia I go knowing that I am lucky to have been a part of an amazing community for at least this one year. Although I am not an alumnus of Woodruff High School, I am touched by the chorus of the Alma Mater:

Hurrah, Hurrah, for the Woodruff High
We are true as the stars above,
So off with your hats and three times cheer
For the dear old school you love!

Best of luck to all my students! I hope that our paths will one day cross again!

Hurrah, Hurrah for the Woodruff High!

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